onsdag 27 april 2011

Tatiana Plakhova

COMPLEXITY GRAPHICS from Tatiana Plakhova on Vimeo.

MUSIC IS MATH from Tatiana Plakhova on Vimeo.

For more great art by Tatiana Plakhova check out
Complexity Graphics »

The Ice Book by Davy and Kristin McGuire

The Ice Book from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.

"The Ice Book is the story of a princess who lures a boy into the forest in order to warm her heart of ice.

The performance blends animation, puppetry, and film to bring a pop-up book vividly to life in front of the audience's eyes."

måndag 25 april 2011

Mercedez Benz ad

Left Brain:
"I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am."

Right Brain:
"I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid Colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be."

Via »

Desiree Dolron

Desiree Dolron »

Personal favourites:
Works -> Xteriors -> 02
Works -> Xteriors -> 08

torsdag 21 april 2011

Dark Inspiration

Dark Inspiration
— Grotesque illustrations, art and design
Edited by Victionary »

"Sophisticated in its impact, dark art narrates beyond the eclectic mix of sources on display. It is sensuous, intriguing and beautiful for the true feelings it conveys and constitute deep heart-searching in artists and a sober view of life.

Indulge yourself in the infinity of darkness in the most evocative lexicons and gloomy motifs brought together by Dark Inspiration, comprising the portfolios of 42 artists, including Kate MacDowell, Audrey Kawasaki, Zhou Fan, Fuco Ueda and Jesse Auersalo from around the world. The collection includes illustrations, sculptures, digital renderings and photography work."

Innehåller bland annat verk av den svenska konstnären Mia Mäkilä
Finns (förutom direkt från förlaget) hos svenska nätbokhandlare.


© Fotograf Katarina Hansson

Design by LEFTOVERS »

söndag 17 april 2011

Septicflesh - The Great Mass Teaser

Imorgon släpps skivan The Great Mass med det grekiska bandet Septicflesh

Via Seasons of Mist:
"On April 18th of 2011 (US release April 19th) "The Great Mass" will be unleashed onto an expecting world. With the aid of the instrumentalist and choir of the Filmharmonic Orchestra of Prague as well as the massive sound created by renowned Swedish producer Peter Tägtgren (IMMORTAL, HYPOCRISY), SEPTICFLESH are about to achieve immortality with their highly original and very cinematic dark musical matter at the edge of Black, Death and Gothic Metal. Join their cult in the rite of "The Great Mass"!"

The song "The Vampire from Nazareth" can already by heard at
Spotify »

Hajar och rockor

"Även i svenska vatten finns hajar och rockor. Nu beskrivs de allihop i nästa band av Nationalnyckeln, det stora uppslagsverket om Sveriges flora och fauna.
I dag finns omkring tusen arter av broskfiskar, varav ett trettiotal har påträffats utanför Sveriges kuster.
– Men det är cirka tio arter som man vet förökar sig i våra vatten."

Via DN.se »

John Tavener - Iepo Oneipo

"Iepo Oneipo" Spotify link »

A magnificent and sublime piece of music.

Via Presto Classical:
"The Chamber Choir of Southern Iceland are once again reunited with the music of John Tavener. Back in 2004 they performed many of these pieces at a concert in Iceland with one piece Schouen Hymnen being specially commissioned by the choir. This stunning choral discs brings new recordings of established favourites"

Goran Kajfeš & The Subtronic Arkestra - Sand Boogie (Live)

Ivan Villafuerte

Departure from Ivan Villafuerte on Vimeo.

Nomad from Ivan Villafuerte on Vimeo.

creating a fantastic world +++ director's cut by yasuhiro kobari

creating a fantastic world +++ director's cut from yasuhiro kobari on Vimeo.

Year Of No Light - Persephone I (Live)


Recension från Rstvideo.com
"...en film som har beskrivits som en film för alla som gillade Pan’s Labyrinth och The Orphanage och vilken filmälskare gjorde inte det?
Det finns faktiskt en anledning till detta förutom faktumet att filmen är spansk och ser ut att påminna om dom både tidigare nämnda filmerna. Det är nämligen så att producenten Álvaro Augustín tidigare producerat både Pan’s Labyrinth och The Orphanage och dessutom Alejandro Amenábars senaste film som Agora.
Som om det inte vore nog så här Guillermo Del Toro flera gånger sagt att Eugenio Mira är en regissör man verkligen borde ha koll på och manuset till Agnosia är skrivet av Antonio Trashorras som även skrev manus till Del Toros The Devil’s Backbone"

Via Slackerwood
"The producers of Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage brought another suspenseful story to Fantastic Fest with Agnosia. It is a visually stunning and elegant period piece about Joana Prats, a young woman whose childhood bout with encephalitis leaves her stricken with agnosia, a strange neuropsychological illness that affects her perception."

fredag 15 april 2011

Roy Andersson måttligt imponerad av dagens reklamfilmer

"I dag är filmerna överlastade och sönderpratade med tröttsamma speakers. Man vill hålla för öronen. [...] Det är långt mellan minnesvärda reklamfilmer i dag. Tyvärr."

Via Dagens Media »

LUMI - Short film by Jonathan Rodegher

LUMI - Short film from Jonathan Rodegher on Vimeo.

Lord of the Logos

Product description from Amazon:
"Fans of underground black metal music call Christophe Szpajdel the Lord of the Logos. This eponymous book is a collection of hundreds of Szpajdel's powerful logos, each of which captures the force of this genre anew. [...] Through his use of unusual aesthetic influences, Szpajdel has brought a new dynamic into the gothic visuality of heavy metal. He has not only succeeded in leaving his own visual mark on this music, but has expanded the canon of forms it uses."

Bach - Matteuspassionen

P3 Lab nedlagt

Via mail-kontakt med Sveriges Radio bekräftas att programmet P3 Lab (tidigare P3 Demo) numera är nedlagt. Lite synd kan jag tycka då det var ett av få program där oetablerade kan få sin musik spelad och så för en relativt stor publik.

WIM - See You Hurry

WIM - See You Hurry from Modular People on Vimeo.

Playing Cards

[re]design of classic playing cards »
by Mattia Castiglioni

Noctilucent Souls

Some previous favourites can be found here